
Thanks for the questions

April 7, 2012

Most of the studies on “how to be happy” stress the importance of gratitude: being thankful for what you have instead of always chasing after greener grass and rainbows.

There is a blog called thxthxthx. Leah Dieterich writes thank you notes, often to unexpected people and things. That link goes to the post that is most relevant to our trip (and probably my favorite so far). Here is the text for anyone who didn’t follow the link.

Dear people who tell me to slow down,
Even though you’re telling, you’re also essentially asking why I’m trying to rush the journey, and why I think where I’m going is more important than where I am. These are good questions.
Best, Leah

I’m going to need to remember this because I have to admit, I’d like to go fast and get there, preferably via the optimal path. And, heck, ideally using a transporter. But we are going to drive. All the way across the country…